
Worship Blog

Yesterday in our modern worship service, we sang “Majesty” in our worship set.  Not the 90s version that has been popular for so many years, but the newer version from within the last decade. 

Even though I have heard this song a million times, for some reason the lyrics hit me harder than normal.  Especially when we got to the chorus, singing:

“Your grace has found me just as I am

Empty handed, but alive in Your hands”

I love the idea of us showing up empty handed, and the fact that it doesn’t matter.  Most often, we feel like Jesus needs us to bring him something. We just need to bring our brokenness, nothing more.  He is just asking us to surrender.

Even more, later in the chorus:

“Forever I am changed by Your love

In the presence of Your majesty”

We can be changed just by being in his presence. We’ve all known people that can change the mood of a room, whether positively or negatively, just by walking through the door.  How much more can we be changed by Christ when we are in his presence?

I, for one, want to throw my brokenness down onto the altar.  I want to stand in his presence, being changed permanently.  I invite you to join me at his feet.

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