Monthly Archives: December 2013

Is He Your Everything?

Worship Blog

As we come out of our Advent season, it’s weird to switch back to “normal” worship songs, like those not about a tiny baby that has come to save us all.  It’s easy to make a disconnect between these season specific tunes and those that we use for “real life.” Continue reading Is He Your Everything?

Lifted Spirits at Christmas

Kid Blog1


My spirits have been lifted this Christmas!

I watched a sermon with James Merritt (here is a link to that sermon: ).  It was about living, giving and resending the greatest gift of all, and that is LOVE.  He included the most well-known bible verse, John 3:16, and explained it in ways that anyone would understand, relate, and prayerfully come to Jesus.

I saw “giving” in my own neighborhood these past two days.  And my heart has been filled (again) with joy.  I am thankful for these moments, and I know the families who received will forever remember and be thankful.

God bless you this Christmas time.  And may you all be blessed in God’s greatest gift ever, His son Jesus Christ, His love!

Joy to the World

Worship Blog


Yesterday’s worship service, based on the theme of “How Great Our Joy,” screamed to include “Joy to the World.”  To be honest, “Joy to the World” has always been one of my least favorite Christmas songs, although I have no idea why.  Even as a child, I never cared for it.

I feel that the words are very meaningful, if you pay attention to what you’re singing.  The lyrics tell of why we as Christians celebrate in the first place.  The very first line, “Joy to the world, the Lord has come,” should be reason enough to love this particular carol, but something about the song makes me want to turn it off every time I hear it.

Until I heard Chris Tomlin’s “Joy to the World (Unspeakable Joy)” while preparing the sanctuary this past week.  He and his fellow writers have added a chorus which totally changed my view of this song.

Joy!  Unspeakable joy!

An overflowing well

No tongue can tell

Joy!  Unspeakable joy!

Rises in my soul

Never lets me go

These words, as simple as they seem, make me happy to sing this song.  I knew immediately that this song needed to be included in our worship service.  I hope that you find as much meaning in them as I have.