The Love of a Mother


Recently I witnessed one of the most remarkable events in life, the birth of my granddaughter. It was remarkable in many ways. New birth always amazes me. How could anyone deny the existence of a God who designed the universe when something as Continue reading The Love of a Mother

The Armor of God – How to WIN Against SIN

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We have begun a new curriculum in our children’s Sunday school classrooms (1st through 6th grades). It’s a nine week lesson study where each week the children will learn about the different pieces in the Armor of God.   Each grade has a different activity or craft that ties in with the week’s lesson that is appropriate to their age/grade level.

The first piece is the Belt of Truth. 3rd-6th grade had bible verse races for their activity, on different scriptures referencing “truth”. The 1st & 2nd grade class had a craft, making Belts of Truth from foam paper; which I was extremely excited to see how they would turn out! After Sunday school and before worship service began, a few of the children come walking in with their Belts of Truth on along with big smiles. This warmed my heart. Hearing one child explain his Belt of Truth, I knew this curriculum was not only a great choice we’ve made but also a God send! Here is this boy’s explanation of what his Belt of Truth is made of:

“Well, it’s like Batman’s utility belt only different. Mine has the bible on it and God’s love and Jesus and those are things that help me fight against the devil and maybe the Joker!”

Next week: The Breastplate of Righteouness

Ephesians 6:11

“Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”

Continue reading The Armor of God – How to WIN Against SIN

Stones Cry Out

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I read a devotion this past week written by Julie Ackerman Link for Our Daily Bread that I truly enjoyed (and shared it on my FB page) and now will share again here. I hope you enjoy this reading as much as I do…


Every year it seems that Christmas becomes more and more commercialized. Even in nations where the majority of people call themselves “Christian,” the season has become more about shopping than worshiping. The pressure to buy gifts and plan elaborate parties makes it increasingly difficult to stay focused on the real meaning of the holiday—the birth of Jesus, God’s only Son, the Savior of the world.

But every holiday I also hear the gospel coming from surprising places —the very places that so commercialize Christmas—shopping malls. When I hear “Joy to the World! The Lord is come; let earth receive her King” ringing from public address systems, I think of the words Jesus said to the Pharisees who told Him to silence the crowds who were praising Him. “If they keep quiet,” Jesus said, “the stones will cry out” (Luke 19:40 niv).

At Christmas we hear stones cry out. Even people spiritually dead sing carols written by Christians long dead, reminding us that no matter how hard people try to squelch the real message of Christmas, they will never succeed.

Despite the commercialism that threatens to muddle the message of Christ’s birth, God will make His good news known as “far as the curse is found.”

No more let sins and sorrows grow,
Nor thorns infest the ground;
He comes to make His blessings flow
Far as the curse is found. —Watts
Keeping Christ out of Christmas is as futile as holding back the ocean’s tide.